The Simple Things

We so often hear the phrases “our planet is being destroyed” and “save the Earth”, but as a society we cannot simply speak this into existence, there needs to be both an initiative and action taken. There have already been decades of pollution and inefficient energy use that have hampered the nature that we as a human race were gifted on this planet. Our goal at energy guardians is to preserve this energy that we are wasting because it takes everyone to “save the Earth.”

Let’s start with something that is relatable to everyone. In the house for example, there are so many examples of energy inefficient behavior that can be easily reduced. It could be simple instances of turning the lights off when there is no one occupying the room or turning the air conditioning off when there is no one at home. These gestures may seem miniscule but when looking at it on a larger scale, if every single household obeyed these simple rules, it could make a substantial change. So, our initial message to you is to save energy by doing the simple things, even though it may seem like it doesn’t matter. Walk 10 minutes to your friend's house instead of taking the car, use renewable energy such as solar panels if given the opportunity, and remember to factor in the damage that is done to the planet when making each and every decision. In future weeks, we will dive deeper into more complex energy conservation topics and will share our research. For now, start to do the simple things and be part of the change that guards our planet.


Fueling the Next Generation with Hydrogen