Since 1965, the source of energy has changed from coal, to fuel, and now to electricity.

Bringing Energy to Cure Energy

Looking at Consumption

Every day, the amount of energy we consume on increases steadily and does not seem to stop anytime in the near future. This consumption and its methods by people, families, and businesses contribute to the world’s energy output. Today, a variety of energy sources are in uses, including both renewable and non-renewable sources. Looking at the chart below, we can see that the majority of energy consumption in 2022 is still coming from primarily non-renewable fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas. Our main focus is on spreading information, such as this graph, to show how renewable energy is still making up a small percentage of our total consumption. Some renewables that are becoming more and more common in today’s world include biomass, solar, wind, and hydropower. Almost 80% of our nation’s energy still comes through fossil fuels.

Brainstorm and Research

Post understanding how different systems handle their energy consumption, we brainstorm methods in which we look to minimize the usage of fossil fuels and instead replace them with a more optimal utilization of renewable energy. We will research and confirm our findings with evidence to better conserve energy. This research will include certified data from online resources: Department of Energy (DOE), Energy Information Administration (EIA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Look at an example through a publication by Founder & CEO Akshil Sharan:


With the research we conduct, we will back up our claims with hard-supporting evidence to make a change with the information we have established. In hopes that our results will fund our ideas, we plan to address the public with ideas for change in everyday community settings. In order to spread the word and present our findings to the world, we will use publications and projects to publicize our information. Our publications will include our research and our team projects will be self-funded, publicly-advertised, and interactive.