Making Batteries More Efficient

Owners of electric cars have long complained of the short range of the existing battery packs. With the existing lithium-ion battery, cars are only able to travel about 1000 miles on a single charge. This has put pressure on scientists to think of a creative way to increase this range while keeping in mind their original goals of energy conservation.

The answer to this pressing question is the new creation of the lithium-air battery. In this inventive idea, there is the inclusion of a solid electrolyte in contrast to the typical liquid variety. These solid electrolytes are much safer as the old flammable liquid is no longer an issue. The main benefit, however, is the potential of this new type of battery to boost energy density by up to 4 times the original amount. If this is the case, then electric car drivers will definitely see improvements to their driving range.

The chemistry behind this design also seems promising. In past lithium batteries, lithium in a lithium metal anode moves through a liquid electrolyte and combines with oxygen. This creates lithium peroxide or superoxide at the cathode, which is then broken back down into the individual elements during the charge. This method stores and releases energy on demand. The new solid electrolyte is made of materials containing a ceramic polymer. This new solid creates chemical reactions that produce lithium oxide during the discharge. This method is much more effective and thus more energy efficient.

The demand for a longer electric car driving range is soon to be answered. With over 1000 tests already being conducted successfully, it is only a matter of time before we start to see the lithium-air battery become used more. Additionally, scientists have even higher hopes for this new battery design. They plan to one day power domestic airplanes and long-haul trucks with this new energy. This would not only be game-changing for both industries, but would also contribute in a major way towards a more energy efficient world. For now though, everyone should hope this lithium-ion battery makes it into our lives sooner rather than later.


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