We can all contribute to in order to make a greater impact on the Earth, the place we all call home.

It is imperative for humans to discover new and improved ways to generate and use energy in a healthier manner.

By a fellow peer: Vinay Panchal

The global energy landscape is shifting toward renewable sources to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change. The demand for 24/7 renewable energy sources has emerged as a key focus to ensure a consistent and reliable power supply while minimizing reliance on non-renewable resources. Unfortunately, ensuring a 24/7 renewable energy supply presents challenges due to the intermittent nature of sources like solar and wind. To address this, integrating energy storage systems will be crucial to store and release excess renewable energy, requiring careful consideration of factors such as battery capacity, charge controllers, and solar panel efficiency. In this project, a small-scaled experimental PhotoVoltaic (PV) system was built, representing a 24/7 renewable source of energy. First, energy generation data from a home solar system and home energy consumption were analyzed to understand rechargeable battery requirements to supply 24/7 energy. Next, the analysis helped establish a process to determine the rechargeable battery capacity. Through thorough research, it was evident that a lead-acid battery was suitable for this project because it is safer, cheaper, and has a higher capacity. However, for this small-scale experiment, a lithium-ion battery had also been tested. This study provides valuable insights into small-scale PV systems, highlighting the practical implications for achieving reliable renewable energy generation.


The Waste Reduction Model (WARM)