An Opportunity at Partners in Science

On August 19, I had the opportunity to attend and participate in Liberty Science Center’s 37th Annual Partners in Science Presentations. Partners in Science is a selective program run by the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, NJ that gives high school students the opportunity to connect with college professors in a field of interest in order to work on a project together.

This summer, I worked with Dr. Junjie Yang, a quantum and materials physics professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). Under his guidance, I was able to conduct a sample synthesis. A sample synthesis can have numerous different meanings depending on the context used. In this experiment, four different compounds were synthesized and created into a new sample: a bulk crystal. The four compounds—calcium, strontium, titanium, and oxygen—together form a ferroelectric material. The experiments conducted during this sample synthesis were done to measure the capacitance based on two different variables: voltage and frequency.

Capacitance is the measurement of how much electrical charge a material can successfully store and use, usually at a later time. The prime example of this is when capacitors, objects with a higher capacitance, are used as voltage producers in generators. Capacitors help store electrical charge so, for example, in the case of a power outage, there is a source of electricity with the use of high-capacitance capacitors.

The sample (Ca,Sr)3Ti2O7 in an experimental-ready state

The initial steps of this experimental process were using LabView, a system-design platform that uses visual programming language, to develop a program to aid with the measurements/data. Using a LCR meter—which measures inductance, capacitance, and resistance—called Agilent E4980a, the program was refined so that one could control the machine from a computer. Knowing that our code and program was successful, the next step was to bring the sample to a state in which it could be tested accurately and successfully. The sample (Ca,Sr)3Ti2O7 was given in a powder form, but that form of a sample cannot be tested. Using a hydraulic pellet press, the powder was turned into a pellet. This process of going from powder to pellet and then crushing it back into a powder was repeated several times to ensure the accuracy of tests and results.

An example of the LabView code

The research conducted holds a great amount of value because of its applicability to real life and its utilization in a multitude of different electronic concepts. The knowledge that can be apprehended from the research provided is especially impactful in the world of optimization and designing, in electronic devices, to ensure the most efficient performance across diverse operating conditions. Moreover, this study has significant implications for devices that focus on signal frequency such as radio and communication systems. By characterizing capacitance as a function of frequency, researchers can develop efficient signal processing technologies that optimize the energy usage.

Specifically, the study of capacitance variations contributes to material science. This work could potentially stimulate the discovery of novel materials with tailored capacitance responses for applications in flexible electronics and photonics. As all the above points have demonstrated, capacitance's dependence on voltage and frequency unveils opportunities for innovation across a diverse set of fields. This research enriches our understanding of electronic systems, aids in device optimization, fosters technological advancements, and extends its impact to diagnostic and material science realms.


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